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來源:考試網(wǎng)   2022-06-08【

Official Competition《主競賽》

Penélope Cruz and Antonio Banderas have been two of Spanish cinema's most glamorous superstars for decades, and yet have only rarely acted on screen together. Now, once again, that wrong has been righted by Official Competition, a delicious movie-business satire written and directed by Gastón Duprat and Mariano Cohn. Cruz is a pretentious art-house director who is adapting a Nobel-prizewinning novel. Banderas is a vapid Hollywood action hero who is hired to star in it, and Oscar Martínez joins them as a snooty theatre veteran who grudgingly agrees to play Banderas's brother. The two men aren't keen on each other, and they're even less keen on the demanding director whose eccentric rehearsal methods border on torture.


佩內(nèi)洛普·克魯茲和安東尼奧·班德拉斯是幾十年來西班牙電影界最耀眼的兩個超 級巨星,但是兩人很少在熒幕上同框,F(xiàn)在加斯頓·杜帕拉特和馬里亞諾·寇恩導演的以電影業(yè)為主題的完美諷刺片《主競賽》終于再次糾正了這一錯誤?唆斊濓椦菀幻悦环驳奈乃嚻瑢а荩蛩銓⒁徊恐Z貝爾獲獎小說改編成電影。班德拉斯飾演一名無趣的好萊塢動作影星,他被請來飾演這部電影的男一號,而奧斯卡·馬丁內(nèi)茲飾演一名目中無人的老電影演員,他勉強答應飾演班德拉斯的哥哥。這兩名男演員都看不上彼此,他倆更看不上那位要求苛刻的導演,她古怪的排練方式簡直是折磨人。

Released on 1 June in France, 9 June in Singapore, 17 June in the US and 30 June in Germany


口譯: 翻譯資格考試二級口譯模擬題

筆譯: 翻譯資格考試二級筆譯模擬題


責編:jianghongying 評論 糾錯


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