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考試網(wǎng)   2019-07-22   【

  How to Balance Compulsory and Selective Courses?

  In view of students' comprehensive development, most universities offer a wide range of selective courses as the complement to compulsory courses. However, this well-intentioned design brings about some unexpected problems. One problem to note is that despite the freedom to choose what to learn, students are still required to complete the selective courses with credits, which means they have to put in extra energy and time in order to meet the requirements. This gives rise to a problem of how to strike a balance between compulsory and selective course and many complaints are heard among college students who find it hard to struggle for excellent performance in both selective courses and compulsory courses. From my point of view, the key to this problem lies in the time management. All that a student needs to do is to make the time distribution between the study of compulsory and selective courses more reasonable. When there is a scientifically-arranged schedule to follow, I believe students will do better when facing the academic challenges, be it compulsory or selective courses.

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